divendres, 3 de maig del 2013

WRITING - unit 7

                                                                                                        111 Camí dels Prats
                                                                                                                 HA3 8HD

Story of the moon
C/ Sant Esteve

Dear Sir or madam,

I represent a group called "Protecting the heard students". I am writing to you because we are concerned about plans to close a park near my town because one company wants to build a motorway.

In our opinion, building a motorway is not safe, so if there is one near our town, the residents might be in danger. If we have a motorway here, it will be a problem cause there is goint to be alot of noise. A park is better, because the babies can play in there, it's safer, and it's a grenn zone...

We have therefore decided to take action, and we are going to organize a protest. for this reason, we are sending you a poster and we hope that you will support us and help to publicize this event.

Yours faithfully,

Mireia Noguer
Group Coordanitaor
Protecting the heards students.

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