divendres, 1 de febrer del 2013

WRITING - unit 4


- You can make more friends that in real life.
- You can play a lot of games, and the people prefer play games than go outside.
- You can make a lot of things (shopping, read the news...9

I think that internet addiction is a problem, but it also have good things.

Fistly, in my opinion, I think taht in the internet you can make more friends, but not always the friend that you make there are good, because you don't really know them.

In addition I think that you can play a lot of games there, and sometimes, people prefer playing games than going outside.

Finally, you can make a lot of things, for example, shopping, readin the news...

In conclusion I think that the internet has a lot of good and bad reasons, but if you use it well, you will not have problems.

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